HOME > TOPICS > 2016 > 【報告】世界一大きな授業2016を実施しました


The World's Biggest Lesson 2016 . Today The World's Biggest Lesson was held with help of The Society of Researchers for International Development supporters.



The NGO Network for Education (JNNE) organizes this activity annually. During the period from April 16 to May 31, all the participating countries hold meetings with the purpose of expanding knowledge about the present state of education around the world and raising awareness of the importance of education.

Students from the JIU members of SIDS have volunteered to help with the preparations for the meeting while also deepening their understanding of the issues as a result of their active participation in the discussions that follow the classes. They are considering how they can contribute to improving education worldwide.

The Society of Researchers for International Development will, in the near future, proceed with the preparations for the second meeting.