教 員 プ ロ フ ィ ー ル
フ リ ガ ナマリア シゲミ イチヤマ 職 位教授所 属 国際人文学部
氏  名Maria S.Ichiyama
主  な  学  歴
年  月事         項
Escolas Fisk, Certificate in Language Proficiency(エスコラス フィスク語学学校)(入学)
Escolas Fisk, Certificate in Language Proficiency(エスコラス フィスク語学学校)(卒業)
Faculdade Ibero Americana de Letras e Ci?ncias Humanas S?o Paulo, Brazil(ブラジル国サンパウロ市イベロ・アメリカーナ大学 文学部)(入学)
University of California, Riverside, Extension(米国カリフォルニア大学 リヴァサイド校 エクステンション)(留学)
University of California, Riverside, Extension(米国カリフォルニア大学 リヴァサイド校 エクステンション TESL法、TESL取得)(帰国)
Faculdade Ibero Americana de Letras e Ci?ncias Humanas S?o Paulo, Brazil Bachelor's Degree in Letters
(ブラジル国サンパウロ市イベロ・アメリカーナ大学 文学部(言語学)B.A.)(卒業)
Faculdade Ibero Americana de Letras e Ci?ncias Humanas S?o Paulo, Brazil Bachelor's Degree in Translation and Interpretation, english/Portuguese
(ブラジル国サンパウロ市イベロ・アメリカーナ大学 文学部(英語およびポルトガル語の翻訳・通訳B.A.)(卒業)
University of California, Riverside Master's Degree in Education, Specialization : Curriculum Development
(米国カリフォルニア大学大学院 修士課程(教育学:カリキュラムの展開)(入学)
University of California, Riverside Master's Degree in Education, Specialization : Curriculum Development
(米国カリフォルニア大学大学院 修士課程(教育学:カリキュラムの展開 M.A.取得)(修了)
主  な  職  歴
年  月事         項
Escolas Fisk, Itajub?, Brazil, English teacher
(ブラジル国イタジュバ市 エスコラス フィスク 英語教師)
Escolas Fisk, S?o Paulo, Brazil English teacher
(ブラジル国サンパウロ市 エスコラスフィスク 英語教師)
University of California, Riverside, Assistant office manager
(米国カリフォルニア大学 リヴァサイド校 事務局長補佐)
University of California, Riverside, International Education Programs Tutor (English as a Second Language)
(米国カリフォルニア大学 リヴァサイド校 国際教育プログラム チューター(外国語としての英語))
Faculdade Ibero Americana de Letras E Ci?ncias Humanas, S?o Paulo, Brazil, English teacher(ブラジル国サンパウロ市 イベロ・アメリカーナ大学 文学部 英語講師)
N?stle, S?o Paulo, Brazil, English teacher
(ブラジル国サンパウロ市 ネッスル社 英語講師)
Springer, S?o Paulo, Brazil, Translator
(ブラジル国サンパウロ市 スプリンガー社 翻訳者)
BMK Ind?stria Electr?nica, S?o Paulo, Brazil, English teacher
(ブラジル国サンパウロ市 BMKインダストリア エレクトロニカ社 英語講師)
University of California, Riverside, Editor, ESL Press Connection (student newspaper)
(米国カリフォルニア大学 リヴァサイド校 ESLプレスコネクション(学生新聞)編集長)
University of California, Riverside, Homestay coordinator assistant
(米国カリフォルニア大学 リヴァサイド校 ホームステイ コーディネーター アシスタント)
University of California, Riverside, International Education Programs Tutor ( English as a Second Language)
(米国カリフォルニア大学 リヴァサイド校 国際教育プログラム チューター(外国語としての英語))
城西国際大学 国際文化研究センター 研究員
城西国際大学 経営情報学部 講師
城西国際大学 人文学部 講師
城西国際大学 語学教育センター所長補佐
城西国際大学 人文学部 助教授
城西国際大学 語学教育センター所長
城西国際大学 人文学部 国際交流学科長
城西国際大学 人文学部 准教授
城西国際大学 国際人文学部 准教授
城西国際大学 国際人文学部 国際交流学科長
城西国際大学 国際人文学部 教授
城西国際大学 国際教育センター 副所長
城西国際大学 語学教育センター 所長
城西国際大学 国際教育センター 所長(欧州・欧米圏担当)
城西国際大学 国際教育センター 所長
城西国際大学 国際教育センター 語学教育担当部局長兼ねて語学教育センター所長
城西国際大学 国際教育センター 副所長
国際教育センター 留学生センター所長
城西国際大学 国際人文学部長
年  月事         項
賞         罰
年  月事         項
Best Young Teacher
主 な 資 格 ・ 特 許
年  月事         項
University of California, Riverside, Extension Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language(米国カリフォルニア大学 リヴァサイド校 エクステンションTESL取得)
・English Teaching Methodology
・Language Acquisition
・English Teaching: Material Development・Learning Strategies
事 項年 月概要
Good Morning, JIU2015年05月
Read articles from The Japan Times with students from 8:30 to 9:30 three times a week. This was a trial project to encourage students to read the newspaper more regularly and to give them more confidence to study abroad.
Undergraduate courses taught in Spring 20162016年04月
1. Fundamentals of English I
2. Seminar I
3. Seminar II
4. 国際コミュニケション入門
5. 基礎ゼミ(not counted as a course taught)
Graduate School of Humanities, Master's Degree in Global Communication (TESOL)2016年04月
Taught the following course in the Graduate School of Humanities (Global Communication--TESOL) in the academic year 2018:
1. Global Communication Enshu I
2. Global Communication Enshu II
3. Portofolio

Undergraduate courses taught in Fall 20162016年09月
1. Fundamentals of English II
2. Seminar I
3. Seminar II
4. 留学プランニング
5. 基礎ゼミ(not counted as a course taught)
6. 航空 空港 キャリア
7. 国際交流研修 (USA)
Good Morning, JIU2016年10月
Read articles from The Japan Times with students from 8:30 to 9:30 three times a week. This was a trial project to encourage students to read the newspaper more regularly and to give them more confidence to study abroad. All the students who participated went abroad the following year.
Undergraduate courses taught in Spring 20172017年04月
1. Fundamentals of English II
2. Seminar I
3. Seminar II
4. 国際コミュニケション入門
5. 基礎ゼミ(not counted as a course taught)
Graduate School of Humanities Master's Degree in Global Communication (TESOL)2017年04月
Taught the following course in the Graduate School of Humanities (Global Communication--TESOL) in the academic year 2017:
1. Global Communication Enshu I
2. Global Communication Enshu II
3. Portofolio

I supervised two Master Degree thesis.
Undergraduate courses taught in Fall 20172017年09月
1. Fundamentals of English II
2. Seminar I
3. Seminar II
4. 留学プランニング
5. 基礎ゼミ(not counted as a course taught)
6. 航空 空港 キャリア
7. 国際交流研修 (USA)
Undergraduate courses taught in Spring 20182018年04月
2. Seminar I
3. Seminar II
4. 国際コミュニケション入門
5. 基礎ゼミ(not counted as a course taught)
Graduate School of Humanities2018年04月
Taught the following course in the Graduate School of Humanities (Global Communication--TESOL) in the academic year 2018:
1. Global Communication Enshu I
2. Global Communication Enshu II
3. Portofolio

I supervised three Master Degree thesis.
Undergraduate courses taught in Fall 20182018年09月
2. Seminar I
3. Seminar II
4. 留学プランニング
5. 基礎ゼミ(not counted as a course taught)
6. 航空 空港 キャリア
7. 国際交流研修 (USA)
Undergraduate courses taught in Spring 20192019年04月
1. Fundamentals of English I
2. Seminar I
3. Seminar II
4. 国際コミュニケション入門
5. 基礎ゼミ(not counted as a course taught)
Undergraduate courses taught in Fall 20192019年09月
1. Seminar I
2. Seminar II
3. 留学プランニング
4. 基礎ゼミ(not counted as a course taught)
6. 航空 空港 キャリア
7. 国際交流研修
Graduate School of Humanities Master's Degree in Global Communication (TESOL)2020年01月
Supervision of Master's thesis of student graduating in March 2020. The title of the paper is "How does being bilingual affect young learners L1 and L2 development? Evidence from Sinhalese-Japanese and English-Japanese young bilingual learners in Japan.
Graduate School of Humanities, Master's Degree in Global Communication (TESOL)2020年04月
Taught the following course in the Graduate School of Humanities (Global Communication--TESOL) in the academic year 2020:
1. Global Communication Enshu I
2. Global Communication Enshu II
3. Portofolio
Undergraduate courses taught in Spring 20202020年04月
1. Introduction to International Communication (in English)
2. Seminar I
3. Seminar II
4. 国際コミュニケション入門
5. 基礎ゼミ(not counted as a course taught)
Undergraduate courses taught in Fall 20202020年09月
2. Seminar I
3. Seminar II
4. 留学プランニング
5. 基礎ゼミ(not counted as a course taught)
6. Thesis Supervision (3 undergraduate students)
Graduate School of Humanities, Master's Degree in Global Communication (TESOL)
Fall 2020
Taught the following course in the Graduate School of Humanities (Global Communication--TESOL) in the fall semester of the academic year 2020:
1. Global Communication Enshu I
2. Global Communication Enshu II
3. Portofolio
Development of an Active Approach to Teaching Large Size Classes2014年03月
Developed a method in which students in large size classrooms also participate in class. Students are supposed to write their own thoughts about a given topic in the beginning of the class and the lecturer by asking the students' opinions makes comments and add information. Students take notes of the exchanges between the lecturer and the various students. Participants are also strongly encourage to ask questions. Four points is given to each of the meetings totalling 60 points of the final grade of the students. Students stay active and feel they are an important part of the class. They also learn to ask questions.
An Improved Teaching Style for Teaching Large Size Classes2015年04月
Improved the method in which students in large size classrooms also participate in class. Students are supposed to write their own thoughts about a given topic in the beginning of the class and the lecturer by asking the students' opinions makes comments and add information. Students take notes of the exchanges between the lecturer and the various students. Participants are also strongly encourage to ask questions. Four points is given to each of the meetings totalling 60 points of the final grade of the students. Students stay active and feel they are an important part of the class. They also learn to ask questions. The pair discussion part of this teaching style was not emphasized in 2015.
TOEIC Preparatory Courses (40 classes in 2017: May, July, October and January)2017年05月
The TOEIC course was offered four times in 2017 and each course consisted of 10 meetings on Saturdays. I had to prepare the materials for all the courses. A total of approximately 100 students have attended the courses.
Evaluations by students2015年09月
Students' evaluations are overall good, but I know that some students feel that I assign them too much homework and they would prefer a much lighter load. However, it is my belief that they need the guided assignments in order to learn the basics of English in one year so that they can be accepted in the JEAP program the following year. I don't think reducing the amount of homework will make my English language course a better one. One thing I have to do is incorporate the ALC system to my evaluations and find better ways of monitoring the program.
The JIU Times2014年04月
I am one of the contributors of the JIU Times and besides the selection of writers, I quite often edit the articles as well. The paper is published four times a year.
Improving Class Management for Language Courses2014年09月
In 2014 I had to manage a few large size classes by changing the course style. In the spring semester I was able to use the language lab with all first-year students and that gave them opportunities to use English to get to know each other and without fear of exposing themselves. Students always like that course and I try to give them more vocabulary so that they can be encouraged to study for the TOEIC tests. They submitted their TOEIC homework and six tests were given throughout the semester. Most students were able to improve their scores.
Leading Students to the University of California, Riverside: Experience Japan Program2014年09月
I was the escort of a group of approximately 20 students who participated in the Experience Japan program which was partially sponsored by JASSO. We visited elementary schools, one high school and the California School for the Deaf where our JIU students shared some aspects of the Japanese language and culture with the young students. They also had the opportunity to ask questions to principals and also to a Japanese language teacher at San Marino High School. They did homestay while in Riverside. My role was to prepare them for all the visits and discuss the experiences they had in California with them on a daily basis.
Disney World Internship Program2015年04月
Organized the University of California, Riverside & Disney World Internship Program. Arranged the interviews with both UCR and Disney.
The JIU Times2015年04月
I am one of the contributors of the JIU Times and besides the selection of writers, I quite often edit the articles as well. The paper is published four times a year.
TOEIC Preparatory Course2015年04月
This 10-meeting TOEIC preparatory course is open to students from all departments at JIU. The classes were held on April 25, April 30 and May 9.
TOEIC Preparatory Course 2015年07月
This is a 10-meeting intensive preparatory course open to students of all departments at JIU. The classes were offered on July 4, July 11 and July 18.
Leading Students to the University of California, Riverside2015年08月
I was the escort of a group of approximately 20 students who participated in the Experience Japan program which was partially sponsored by JASSO. We visited elementary schools, one high school and the California School for the Deaf where our JIU students shared some aspects of the Japanese language and culture with the young students. They also had the opportunity to ask questions to principals and also to a Japanese language teacher at San Marino High School. They did homestay while in Riverside. My role was to prepare them for all the visits and discuss the experiences they had in California with them on a daily basis.
TOEIC Preparatory Course2015年10月
This 10-meeting TOEIC preparatory course is open to students from all departments at JIU. The classes were held on October 10, 17 and 24.
Extension: Discussions2017年05月
I taught two Discussions courses in the Extension Program in 2017: one in the first semester and one in the second semester. Some local English teachers have attended the course for more than 13 years and therefore we cover different topics all the time.
Extension: English Communication2017年05月
I taught two English Communication courses in 2017. The course is aimed at high beginners and intermediate level students. One of them has been taking this course for 25 years and therefore I have to change the methodology and topics every semester. There are usually between 15~20 participants.
Leading Students to the University of California, Riverside: Experience Japan Program2017年09月
I was in charge of the study program at the University of California, Riverside from September 5 to September 17. Before departure we held about 15 meetings to prepare for the program. While in California, we visited schools and taught a bit about the Japanese culture and language.
航空 空港 キャリア 2018年02月
Students taking this course participated in a three-day program at Chubu International Airport in Aichi Prefecture. There were two groups this year and I accompanied the first one.
Winter Seminar in Barcelona2018年02月
I was the escort of the Winter Seminar program in Barcelona from February 26 to March 9. We all stayed at the student dormitory at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona and therefore I was with the students the whole time for two weeks.
TOEIC Preparatory Course (April 2018)2018年04月
Total a total of ten classes to students who registered for the TOEIC Preparatory Course in April and May. Course dates were: Saturday, April 21, Saturday, May 12 and Saturday, May 19. The TOEIC test was help on May 26.
Disney Internship Program Orientation and Implementation2018年05月
The first orientation session was held on May 31 and on September 20 students were interviewed by both the Disney recruiter and the UCR staff at the Kioicho campus.
TOEIC Preparatory Course (July 2018)2018年07月
Taught the TOEIC Preparatory courses on the following Saturdays: July 7, 14 and 21. The TOEIC test was help on the Togane campus on July 28.
Undergraduate School Courses Taught in Spring 20182018年08月
Seminar I
Seminar II
Introduction to Inter....
Escort to the University of California, Riverside (2018)2018年09月
I was responsible for the 国際交流研修 at UCRiverside from September 5 to 17. Before departure I taught a total of 10 classes and took a group of 19 students to Riverside.
TOEIC Preparatory Course 2018 (September/October)2018年09月
Taught the TOEIC Preparatory courses on the following days: September 29, October 6, 11 and 18. and 21. The TOEIC test was help on the Togane campus on October 20.
TOEIC Preparatory Course 2019 (January/February)2019年01月
Taught the TOEIC Preparatory courses on the following days: January 24 (Thur.), January 26 (Sat.) and February 2 (Sat.) The TOEIC test is scheduled on February 9.
TOEIC Preparatory Course2019年05月
This 10-meeting TOEIC preparatory course is open to students from all departments at JIU. The classes were held on May 18, May 25 and June 1. The TOEIC test was on June 8.
TOEIC Preparatory Course2019年07月
This 10-meeting TOEIC preparatory course is open to students from all departments at JIU. The classes were held on July 6, July 13 and July 20. The TOEIC test on July 27.
Escorted a group of 25 students to the University of Alberta (23 HK and 2 PC).2019年09月
This was the very first program offered during the summer at the University of Alberta in Canada. I was in charge of the 23 HK students and Professor Teshima of the 2 PC students. We were in Edmonton from September 4 and arrived back in Narita on September 19.
Disney Internship Program Orientation and Implementation2019年09月
In 2019 five students from the Department of International Exchange Studies applied for the UCR/Disney Internship Program and two passed the interviews conducted by UCR and Disney. The students will be departing in June 2020 and returning to Japan in January 2021. The preparation stage requires spending time preparing students for the interviews. After acceptance, preparations for the J1 visa and the interview at the Embassy are needed.
TOEIC Preparatory Course2019年09月
This 10-meeting TOEIC preparatory course is open to students from all departments at JIU. The classes were held on September 28, October 5 and October 19. The TOEIC test was scheduled to be on October 26, but due to the weather conditions it was postponed to November 9.
TOEIC Preparatory Course2019年11月
This 10-meeting TOEIC preparatory course is open to students from all departments at JIU. The classes were held on November 30, December 7 and December 14. A total of 25 students attended the course.
The JIU Times2019年12月
I am one of the contributors to the JIU Times and besides proofreading the texts, I also invite professors from sister institutions to contribute articles for the Serendipity column and have either students or faculty members write in the Bridge column.
Escorting students to Chubu Airport in Nagoya2020年02月
As part of the practical course on Airline Industry, I traveled with 10 students to the Chubu Airport in February. The program consisted of three days of intensive practical training on the duties of a ground staff and it was organized and implemented by the ANA group. We left Narita Airport on February 11 and stayed at the Route Inn Hotel near the airport. My responsibility included evaluating students' performance.
TOEIC Preparatory Course (online)2020年06月
This 10-meeting TOEIC preparatory course is open to students from all departments at JIU. The classes were held on June 27, July 4, July 11 and July 18. The TOEIC test was held on the Togane campus on July 19. Due to the COVID19 situation, the course was offered online for the very first time and students from five departments registered for the course. There was a total of 4- students.
TOEIC Preparatory Course (Online)2020年10月
This 10-meeting TOEIC preparatory course is open to students from all departments at JIU. The classes were held on October 10, October 17 and October 24. The TOEIC test was held on the Togane campus on October 25. Due to the COVID19 situation, the course was offered online for the very first time and students from five departments registered for the course.
TOEIC Preparatory Course (online)2020年11月
This 10-meeting TOEIC preparatory course is open to students from all departments at JIU. The classes were held on November, 28, December 5 and December 12. The TOEIC test was held on the Togane campus on December 20. Due to the COVID19 situation, the course was offered online for the very first time and students from five departments registered for the course. There was a total of 40 students.
事 項年 月概要
Extension Course: Discussions2014年05月
This course is offered with the objective of providing local citizens to use their English during discussions on various contemporary issues. Participants are English teachers, former JIU students and people who have retired and moved to the Togane area.
Summer School: English for High School Students2014年07月
Approximately 40 students from Togane High School attended this intensive English course. They were exposed to the JIU style of teaching and also had the opportunity to meet with our international students from various countries including Norway, the USA, Canada, Brazil, China, Korea and France.
Extension Course: English Communication2014年10月
An average of 20 people from the local community attend this course which is offered during the day time. This is a course for high beginners and intermediate level students. This semester the assignments and class pair-work were done based on photos of advertisements from various magazines from the United States.
Extension Course: Discussions2015年05月
A twelve-week advanced level English course for the community citizens.
Tokigane Elementary School2015年05月
Organized the English classes at Tokigane High School. Under the supervision of Jose Peregrino our students taking English Teaching Methodology went to the elementary school to teach English on Wednesdays throughout the year.
English Communication2015年05月
A twelve-week intermediate level English course for the local community people.
Welcoming Australian High School Students to JIU2015年05月
Students from Fair Hills High School visited JIU and spent time visiting my class on international communication and also interacting with first-year students.
Welcoming Australian High School Students to JIU2015年05月
Students from Fair Hills High School visited JIU and spent time visiting my class on international communication and also interacting with first-year students.
A twelve-week advanced level English course for the community citizens.
English Communication2015年10月
A twelve-week intermediate level English course for the local community people. This term the course was based on readings of newspaper articles.
Matsuo High School students at JIU2017年06月
The Center for Language Education organized an exchange day with the students from Matsuo High School. They came to JIU to give presentations about the social welfare system in Sweden and Professor Noriko Thunman was asked to give a 40-minute lecture on that day as well. Besides that, I asked international students to participate and discuss the social welfare system of their countries as well.
U-15 日伯国際交流サッカー大会
(U-15 Japan Brazil International Football Festival)
I provided interpretation whenever needed for the Brazilian team that came from the south part of Brazil. We also provided a campus tour and also a short exchange hour when they asked questions about Japan and the Japanese university system. This was the second time we hosted them. Sanmu City hosted the team and JIU provided the facility for the games.
Special Lecture at Togane High School for local English teachers2017年11月
I was asked to give a special talk to junior and senior high school teachers in this area as part of their "Research Activities." My focus was on misunderstanding regarding language teaching and also on motivation. I was also asked to observe about six different English classes and make comments on them.
Chiba Police at JIU--Promoting Opportunities to Learn from International Students2018年01月
We organized a program from 10:30 to 2 PM for the English speakers of the Chiba Police to interact with students from various countries in English. This was part of the training program for the police men who have a high level proficiency in English. It was an opportunity to discuss rules and laws.
Naruto High School students at JIU: special course2018年05月
Taught a course on intercultural understanding to students from Naruto High School
Gave a lecture to 93 teachers in Kamogawa about the need to focus our classes a bit more on international understanding and gave examples of how that can be done. Also covered some issues regarding how English pronunciation could be taught from elementary school.
Special Lecture at the Togane City Hall on International Understanding and Discrimination2018年08月
I was asked to give a 90-minute talk to the members of the discrimination committee on August 30. I focused on the need to teach more international understanding in order to avoid discrimination. I also gave concrete examples of what is currently happening in the Chiba prefecture and made suggestions on how some incidents can be avoided.
Speech Contest 2018年09月
Speech Contest (Sambu-Chosei District)
Organized by Oami High School
Education Fair Sponsored by the Brazilian Government2020年10月
I represented JIU in the fair that promotes the importance of higher education. This time the event was conducted online and we spoke directly with high school students from the Gunma and Yamanashi areas. I participated in two sessions: 1. about the Japanese system of higher education 2. about JIU and the programs we offer.
Extension course: English Communication (online/10 weeks)2020年10月
I am teaching a course to local citizens online this term. Most of them have been taking this course for many years and despite the fact the course was canceled in the first semester, the members made efforts to prepare their computers and take the course from the fall semester. Our last meeting is on January 15.
Education in Japan -- panelist2020年11月
I was a panelist in a discussion about Education in Japan organized by the Bunkyo of S?o Paulo. This was part of the celebrations of 30 years of the Dekasegi Movement to Japan. The main concern is that the number of Japanese Brazilian children attending college in Japan remains low. The discussion had the objective of informing parents and students about all their possibilities and also about the importance of investing in college education.
著書・学術論文等の名称単著共著の別年 月発行所、発行雑誌等
 English Lessons in Oral Communication』
Collaborative author1995年06月
HokuseidoIt's a 79-page textbook for English language classes.  
 A New Approach to English Communication Book 1』
Collaborative author2001年04月
NAN'UN-DOI was one of the authors and the leader of the project. 
3.『Encounters English Edition Book 1
 A New Approach to English Communication 』
Collaborative author2002年01月
NAN'UN-D063-page textbook 
 A New Approach to English Communication Book 2』
Collaborative author2004年03月
NAN'UN-DOI was one of the two authors of the book.  
1.「Enhancing Motivation
 Current Issues in English Education」
Togane High School, Togane, ChibaMy responsibility was to give a talk with suggestions on improvements on the English programs in Chiba Prefecture and also to make comments on the English classes I observed before my presentation.  
2.「教員免許状更新講習 −国際理解および異文化理解教育
 Globalization in Japan from the Educational Point of View」
Josai International University, Awa Kamogawa CampusTo give a presentation to junior and senior high school teachers on internationalization. 
3.「Internationalization: The ASEAN Experience
 A Success Case: The Management & Science University (Malaysia) and Josai International University」
13th QS Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education Conference and ExhibitionI gave the presentation by myself for an audience of leaders from various universities in Asia. 
1.「The JIU Approach to International Education」Single2012年05月
National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and TourismI gave the presentation on language education at JIU by myself.  
2.「English Education in Japan from a Global Perspective」Single2018年11月
Togane High School, ToganeI prepared and gave the presentation by myself to local high school teachers. 
Togane High School I was in charge of the whole lecture and class observation comments.  
4.「Global Education: the importance of personal experiences and the development of critical thinking」Single2020年08月
Online for the teachers of Chiba Prefecture who were here to renew their teaching licenses. I prepared the lecture by myself.  
5.「『Global Education: the importance of personal experiences and the development of critical thinking』」Single2020年08月
OnlineI prepared the content and the presentation myself.  
6.「Education in Japan」Single2020年11月
OnlineI prepared the content myself.  
研究テーマ区 分年 月助成機関・助成金等の名称概 要
Research representative2013年05月
(2)Implementation of Total International Education (TIE) at JIUResearch representative2014年05月
Josai International University
Research Funds Administered by the President
This project aims to measurably increase the most important aspects of language learning: intensive study, study and practice time beyond the classroom, and authentic communication in English with other English speakers in Japan and abroad. We aim to do this in three ways:

1. By delivering an intensive program of structured English classes in 1st year in all departments. This includes both traditional group classes and teacher-guided self-access study.

2. By increasing significantly the opportunities for Japanese / exchange-student interaction, communication, friendship and mentorship; and the resulting increase in time students spend communicating in naturalistic (ie, not grammar-focused or class-driven) settings.

3. By providing more options for study outside of the class through JIU-produced mini lectures for students who require support beyond what is available in large group classes.

The expected result is a much larger number of students who will be able to communicate in English, who will have a more positive attitude toward English study, and who will likely take the message of JIU's English program and share it with potential JIU applicants in their home towns.