教 員 プ ロ フ ィ ー ル
フ リ ガ ナデビッド ウィリアムズ職 位教授所 属 観光学部
氏  名David Williams
主  な  学  歴
年  月事         項
英国イーストアングリア大学 環境理学部(入学)
英国イーストアングリア大学 環境理学部(卒業)
日本岡山外語学園 日本語能力試験集中コース(入学)
日本岡山外語学園 日本語能力試験集中コース(卒業)
英国バーミンガム大学大学院 都市及び地方学部 観光経営専攻(入学)
英国ノーサンブリア大学大学院 社会学部 社会学研究科 日英人人文専攻 博士課程(入学)
英国バーミンガム大学大学院 都市及び地方学部 観光経営専攻(修了)
英国ノーサンブリア大学大学院 社会学部 社会学研究科 日英人人文専攻 博士課程満期退学(修了)
主  な  職  歴
年  月事         項
IESイングリッシュサービス英会話校 講師
テスコ教育システムICS岡山 コーディネーター
神戸女子大学 瀬戸短期大学 非常勤講師
岡山社会保険センター 講師
岡山商科大学 商学部 非常勤講師
城西国際大学 語学教育センター研究員
神田外語大学 英米学部 非常勤講師
横浜市立大学 総合文化学部 講師
東京大学 教養学部 非常勤講師
早稲田大学 理工学術院 非常勤講師
城西国際大学 観光学部 准教授
所属学会Japan Association of English Teachers JALT、KOTESOL Korea Organisation for Teachers of Other Languages、Asia Pacific Tourism Association
年  月事         項
Japan Association of English Teachers JALT (現在に至る)
KOTESOL Korea Organisation for Teachers of Other Languages (現在に至る)
Asia Pacific Tourism Association (現在に至る)
賞         罰
年  月事         項
主 な 資 格 ・ 特 許
年  月事         項
・English Language Development
・Student Internationalisation
・Issues in Study Abroad
・Extensive Reading Strategies・Internationalisation・Study Abroad・Educational Sojourners
事 項年 月概要
Risk Management2010年04月
Development of web based and other materials for a 15 week course to make risk management accessible and relevant to students of hospitality and tourism.
Teaching evaluations2015年03月
I consistently receive strong evaluations from students concerning my enthusiasm for teaching and making classroom content relevant to the real world.
Questionnaire surveys: the case of Japanese subjects. 2000年04月
This paper was presented at the University of Northumbria, UK and based on the author's own research experience examined the issues of administering questionnaire surveys to Japanese respondents.
Kanda Gaigo Career College2001年10月
As an intensive course business trainer for bluechip organisation sending employees overseas for extended periods of employment. Specialising in presentation methods, negotiations and meeting (ad hoc to March 2010).
Teaching presentations: Anecdotes for the anxious.2008年02月
Invited speaker for the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Miyazaki Chapter). Examination of the need for, and options teachers have in, implementing presentations to the language classroom.
Presentations, and why we should be using them in the classroom2008年06月
Invited speaker at Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages (Tokyo) for staff Professional Development day. The 2-hour workshop highlighted the need for presentation in the modern language classroom and the ways to implement it.
Using literature circles in a content-based course.2010年06月
Invited speaker for the Japan Association of Language Teachers (Gunma Chapter). This workshop described and demonstrated the way in which students should be reading in the language classroom.
事 項年 月概要
著書・学術論文等の名称単著共著の別年 月発行所、発行雑誌等
1.「Using graded reading to raise TOEFL scores.」Collaborative author2007年10月
Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) 32nd International Conference Proceedings, 981-997.
2.「A framework for understanding Japanese educational sojourner motivations.」Single author2008年03月
Bulletin of Yokohama City University (Humanities), 9(3),126-144. CiNii 9000015248988 
3.「Bilingual case study: trips back home and bilingualism.」Single author2008年10月
Bilingual Japan JALT Bilingual Newsletter Vol.17(3), 12-14. 
4.「Teaching presentation classes: presenting the reasons why. 」Single author2009年03月
Bulletin of Yokohama City University (Humanities), 60(1), 1-14. CiNii 9000015332458 
5.「Connectivity: a part-timer’s perspective.」Single author2009年07月
Kanda University of International Studies, PeerSpectives, Summer 2009(3), 6-9. http://peerspectivesonline.org/recent-issues/peerspectives-issue-3/ 
6.「Revisiting the extensive reading effect on TOEFL scores.」Single author2009年10月
Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) 34th International Conference Proceedings, 1168-1179. http://jalt-publications.org/recentpdf/proceedings/2008/E058.pdf 
7.「Applying literature circles to non-fiction texts.」Single author2009年12月
Korea TESOL The English Connection, 13(4), 28
8.「Socio-cultural motivations for study abroad amongst a group of Japanese students in the UK.」Single author2009年12月
Proceedings of the 8th Annual JALT Pan SIG Conference, 2009, 26-44. http://jalt.org/pansig/2009/PDF/Williams.pdf 
9.「Does extensive reading always assist TOEFL scores?」Single author2010年06月
17th Korea TESOL International Conference Proceedings, (KOTESOL) 2009, 147-157.
10.「Student reactions to literature circles in content based instruction.」Single author2011年06月
18th Korea TESOL International Conference Proceedings, (KOTESOL) 2010, 219-228
11.「A new approach to reading/ discussion focused language learning.」Single author2012年03月
Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 20(1), 59-72. 
12.「30 years of tourism research
 a bibliography of tourism in English (1980-2009).」
Single author2013年03月
Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 21(7),43-70. pp.43-70 
13.「The global reach of internships
 experiencing the Disney Academic English Internship Programme.」
Single author2013年12月
Working Papers of the North East Asia Regional Language Conference 2013www.iuj.ac.jp/near/publications/pdf/NEAR-2013-paper number.pdf 
14.「Japanese students and education tourism
  reflections on a 2-week immersion programme in Malaysia」
Single author2014年03月
Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 22(6)pp.19-34 
15.「Visitors at a university festival: a preliminary case study of visitor satisfaction」Collaborative author2015年03月
Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 23(6)pp.1-16 
16.「Satisfaction at a university festival: a factor analysis of different visitor groups」Collaborative author2016年03月
Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 24(6),1-20 
17.「Tokyo 2020: a legacy or lethargy for tourism?」Single author2017年03月
Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 25(6), 51-66 
18.「The Asia Summer Program: An Asian Learning Experience in Japan」Single author2017年04月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, Global Issues in Language Education, 102, 10-11. 
19.「Analysis of repeat visitation to a university festival」Collaborative author2017年11月
International Society for Tourism Research, 2(2), p137-140. (with H. Iwamoto) 
20.「The changing profile of Japan inbound tourism between 1996 and 2016」Single author2018年03月
Bulletin of Josai International University (Faculty of Tourism), 26(6), pp.1-18. 
21.「Japanese airports and decentralization of international visits: current circumstances and future potential」Single author2019年03月
Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 27(6), pp.1-17. 
22.「Familiarity of tourist attractions in Japan among Vietnamese and Chinese nationals.」Single author2020年03月
Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 28(6), pp.1-20. 
1.「Boom! Japanese tourism ? tourism and tourism education in Japan.」Single1996年02月
Japan Association for Continuing English Studies (Osaka Chapter)  
2.「Japanese students abroad: who are their friends?」Single2002年11月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2002 JALT 28th International Conference (Shizuoka) 
3.「Adult learners at Japanese universities: profiling a new age.」Single2004年11月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2004 JALT 30th International Conference (Nara) 
4.「Extensive reading as homework: what students really think.」Collaborator2005年10月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2005 JALT 31st International Conference, Extensive Reading Colloquium (Shizuoka) 
5.「Using graded readers to raise TOEFL scores.」Collaborator2006年10月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2006 JALT 32nd International Conference, Extensive Reading Colloquium (Kitakyushu) 
6.「Using extensive reading to raise TOEFL scores.」Single2008年10月
16th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference, KOTESOL 2008 (Seoul, S.Korea)  
7.「ER and TOEFL scores revisited: a second years' experience」Single2008年11月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2008 JALT 34th International Conference (Tokyo) 
8.「Ryugaku: Japanese students’ motivations.」Single2009年05月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 8th JALT PanSIG (Chiba) 
9.「The limits of ER in raising TOEFL test scores.」Single2009年05月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 8th JALT PanSIG (Chiba) 
10.「Does extensive reading always assist TOEFL scores?」Single2009年10月
17th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference, KOTESOL 2009 (Seoul, S.Korea) 
11.「ER: of limited value to TOEFL scores?」Single2009年11月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2009 JALT 35th International Conference (Shizuoka) 
12.「The link between ER and test results: is there one?」Single2010年01月
Japan Association for Language Teaching (Yokohama Chapter) 
13.「Using literature circles in a content-based course」Single2010年06月
Japan Association for Language Teaching Workshop (Gunma Chapter) 
14.「Students reactions to ESL literature circles」Single2010年10月
Pan Asia 2010, 18th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference (Seoul, S. Korea) 
15.「Literature circles and content based courses.」Single2010年11月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2010 JALT 36th International Conference (Nagoya) 
16.「Student reactions to non-fiction literature circles」Single2011年02月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 4th Annual Extensive Reading Seminar 2011 (Okayama) 
17.「Using graded readers for content based reading circles」Collaborator2011年05月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 10th JALT PanSIG Conference 2011 (Matsumoto)
with M. Fumanovsky
18.「ESP issues: the case of tourism studies 」Collaborator2011年11月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2011 JALT 37th International Conference (Tokyo)
(with Ishitani, M.)
19.「Evaluating a new approach to literature circles.」Single2011年11月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2011 JALT 37th International Conference (Tokyo) 
20.「Full Circle: a more rounded approach to content instruction」Single2012年05月
4th North East Asia Regional (N.E.A.R.) Language Education Conference (Niigata) 
21.「Mickey Mouse English:learning through the Disney Internship Programme.」Single2012年06月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 11th JALT PanSIG Conference 2012 (Hiroshima) 
22.「Learning through internships: the Disney Academic English Internship Programme」Single2013年05月
5th North East Asia Regional (N.E.A.R.) Language Education Conference (Niigata) 
23.「Overseas kenshu: across borders in Malaysia」Single2014年11月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2014 JALT 40th International Conference (Ibaraki) 
24.「Creating successful learning abroad: English kenshu in Malaysia」Single2015年05月
7th North East Asia Regional (N.E.A.R.) Language Education Conference (Niigata) 
25.「An Asian learning experience in Japan」Single2015年11月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2015 JALT 41st International Conference (Shizuoka) 
26.「Innovative Global Education: the Asia Program」Single2016年05月
Japan Association for Language Teaching, 15th JALT PanSIG Conference 2016 (Nago, Okinawa) 
27.「Highlighting Issues in Study Abroad」Collaborator2016年11月
Study Abroad Special Interest Group Panel Member, Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2016 JALT 42nd International Conference (Nagoya)
(with P. Horness, C. Tajima, & M. Toya)
28.「Ryugakusei as a means to build university internationalization」Single2017年06月
9th North East Asia Regional (N.E.A.R.) Language Education Conference (Niigata) 
29.「Impact of Disney International Program on Graduate Employment Outcomes.」Collaborator2018年03月
Asia Pacific Association For International Education (APAIE), Singapore. (with B. Jenkins-Deas and E. Ujitani) 
30.「Familiarity of Tourist Attractions in Japan among Vietnamese and Chinese Nationals」Single2019年07月
25th Asia Pacific Tourism Association Conference (APTA), Da Nang, Vietnam 
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